Posted tagged ‘Witness Starters’

Evangelist Starters

June 2, 2016
  1. In your personal opinion, what do you understand it takes to go to heaven?

  2. If you knew you had 24 hours to live, what would you do differently?

  3. Do you think about spiritual things like heaven or eternal life?

  4. On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being perfect, how close would come to being perfect?

  5. In all of history, who was the one person who made the biggest difference?

  6. Would you say that you are perfectly satisfied with life on earth or that you are still searching for something?

  7. In your personal opinion, how good does one have to be to go to heaven?

  8. If someone could prove to you that your living in error, would you want to know the truth?

  9. Have you ever come to a place in your life where you had assurance that if you died, you would go to heaven?

  10. How would you describe a real Christian?